Prada presents the 'Behind the Scenes' video of its Fall/Winter 2014 Menswear Campaign.
McAvoy's theatre is formed of concrete and stone, the austere landscape shot in black and grey, an homage to the German avant-garde. Concrete staircases, stone paving and a rocky coast swept by a grey sea bring a certainty and magnitude to the atmosphere of the photographs. Against this backdrop Leibovitz and McAvoy interpret the Prada man a play of multiple acts.
The dramatic effect is an experimental n...
Best Commercial Nude Workshops ever by Studio Huśtawka & Łukasz Marciniak, Warsaw, Poland. 26-27 lipca 2014. Zapraszamy serdecznie :)!
Opowiadamy o jednej takiej sesji, która w ostatnim czasie przyprawiła nas o kilka nowych siwych włosów. Temat trochę z lamusa, ale niech każdy wyciągnie sobie z tego coś użytecznego :)
'Secret Garden - Versailles'
A film by Inez and Vinoodh
Starring Daria Strokus, Melissa Stasiuk and Xiao Wen Ju in La Galeries Des Glaces - Château de Versailles.
Music by Depeche Mode: 'Enjoy the Silence'